Sunday, April 12, 2020

lockdown : vinyl find #24.

Before going to Munich for a weekend, I thoroughly listed the record stores I could visit. In the end, I didn't buy many records, but I found this one shop where the walls were covered with bags from record stores from all over the world. On the moment, I thought it was cool and even thought I could do this at home. Well, I won't. 

The name Philip Catherine struck me. I knew he is a reference in jazz guitar. The other two musicians however, I didn't know. The back cover informed me about the line-up : Charlie Mariano would be in charge of horns, and Jasper van't Hof of keyboards. My knowledge in jazz is that limited, yes. 
Anyway, there was something interesting about this cover, and the price was affordable. I didn't listen to the record in the store, I followed my intuition. I guess I wanted to be surprised. 

So I bought the record, only to face a dilemma when it came to file it at home. My collection is ordered by country ; I know it can sound strange, but it suits me. Here, there are three musicians, from three different countries ; even worse : it was recorded in Denmark and released by a German company. How could it be more international than this ?... Shit. I have a small jazz section, but it's all American. So, for now, the record sits with all the stateless records I have. Hell, I think I'll just file it in jazz... 

Because jazz it seems to be. But really, to me, it's impossible to identify a genre on this one. So we'll go with "fusion". Gosh, what does it even mean ? Anyway, let's settle for this : it's a beautiful record, the combined work of three genius musicians ; they all equally contributed to the music writing, with two pieces each. It really sounds like they had a lot of fun together, with apparently no guest, not even a drummer from here and there. Just them.  
Sit back, relax and enjoy the music. You're probably lockdowned anyway.  

Philip Catherine, Charlie Mariano, Jasper van't Hof - Sleep my love.

Here's the album, as a YouTube playlist.

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