Saturday, September 15, 2012

press review.

The question has been all over the web for the last few weeks : did the music industry tried to kill vinyl on purpose ? Well, probably. But it proved to be a very bad calculation as, by preferring the CD format for obivous reasons of profitability, they set foot in the digital world and the dark side of it : unlimited copy. While the music consuming model is shifting from digital purchases to online streaming, vinyl is confirming that it's here to stay. Soon enough, "consumers [will be] split into two distinct groups - those that own vinyl, and those that stream". It's the battle of the unmaterial content against the physical world. Just think about what you prefer and what provides you with the bigger control...
As long as there will be record collectors, there will be great stories to tell. Die-hard collectors are usually fascinating people, and that's why journalists and bloggers track them, in searching for the unique story behind their "disease". One, at least, even paints on records. Unplayable or not-valued ones, be reassured. 

Despite the current love for vinyl, record stores are still closing everyday in the world. 

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