Saturday, November 5, 2011

Asian records are a must.

Using the excellent "LP Cover Lover" as a starting point, I stumbled upon this awesome web page titled "60's & 70's Asian Pop Record Covers". 
To make it plain and simple, it's like wandering in a museum of record covers from Singapore and other South-East Asian countries. It's like a huge wall and it's beautiful. The owner of the website even states that he owns the vinyls shown there, which makes me jealous. 
See, it's almost impossible to cop records like these ones over the web... it's really frustrating. All you can do to only have a chance to get some is travelling to these places and be lucky enough to be in the right spot at the right time. 
Call me weird, but I love these covers. The style is just timeless, childish, but at the same time the design seems very important and entirely part of the creation. 

In the same vein, Madrotter is the work of a Dutch guy living in Indonesia ; this way, he's able to stack countless original local records (and cassette tapes !). And he's kind enough to share them with us, poor people stuck in less funky parts of the world.

While I'm waiting to go to *somewhere else* and do some serious diggin, I'll just keep contemplating and enjoying the contributions these guys have posted on the web.   

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