Saturday, December 17, 2011

never ending sodade.

2011 is closing on a sad note, as the news of Cesaria Evora's death is slowly spreading. Gaining late international fame thanks to a couple of French producers, it's normal that, as a French child, I grew up with her international hit, "Sodade", in my ears. Then, in my early 20's, I developed an interest for the queen of Mindelo, accumulating all the music I could from her. 
Her voice breathes sadness and bitter stories, but it's sweet and comforting anyway. The language barrier isn't even an obstacle, as her voice is simply an instrument. A beautifully sounding one. 
Earlier this year, I did a stop in Cabo Verde, Cesaria's petit pays (and here you go with 20Syl's banging remix), and searched for records. Sadly enough, I couldn't find any vinyl, so I had to be satisfied with the CD of her early works I found in the record store located on the central square of Praia, the capital city. 
A few months ago, on this blog, I relayed the news of her retirement ; she said she was tired. Her body was tired. Morna was losing its most famous ambassador. 

Today, I'm sad and so should you. Cabo Verde must be grieving right now, but I'm sure there will be a party afterwards, and it'll be awesome. 

RIP Mrs. Evora. 

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