Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Elijah Blake.

Could this be the late Christmas gift you were expecting from the music industry ? Possibly. 
This could be as gamebreaking as "Nostalgia,ultra" was once. This R&B project came out of nowhere. But it appeared on various websites and lately on No I.D.'s Soundcloud page, where you can stream it. 
Quoting the bootleg project by Frank Ocean is no mere name-dropping : Frankie and Elijah Blake both earned a small fame by writing for others ; Elijah Blake wrote the break-up anthem "Climax" for Usher, he sung hooks for others (Rick Ross, Game...), he got brought to the Jay-Z's Roc empire and was signed to Def Jam, and is now waiting for his break out opportunity by releasing a free project. 
Just like the Odd Future member. 

Get this "Bijoux 22" EP while you can. For R&B fans only though.   

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