Wednesday, November 14, 2012

diggin in China... if that's possible.

Looks like diggin ain't dead in China after all. 

An article of the China Daily talks about an exhibition that were held in Shanghai, presenting records to the people. Not sure that die-hard diggers would have found interesting stuff, but it's good to read about stories of Chinese people who never stopped diggin despite the Cultural Revolution and the (almost) total absence of vinyl records left in mainland China. 

Another article, by CNN, lists two shops in Shanghai. 

Here, you get other addresses, though Uptown Records seems to be quite a reference out there. I'm not calling this post a "diggin guide" because it's not consistent enough, but I guess that's the best deal you'll get about diggin information in Shanghai. 

And for tips about online diggin in China, head to here... damn, that's so far away from the good old Discogs...

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