Friday, May 18, 2012


You may know this band thanks to the reissues released by the German label Shadoks. 
If not, here's a brief : WITCH is a band from Zambia. Their name stands for We Intend To Cause Havoc. Their music is a blend of rock (in the garage/psych wave) and afro music. Needless to say, they were pioneers in their country, and on the African continent. 

Though Shadoks released two of their albums, Now-Again Records did better by printing 5 albums and a compilation of tracks originally released on 7". The 6-LP box is issued at 1000 copies worldwide, so you'll have to be fast to secure one for yourself. Why ? Because there has been a cult rising around these guys, especially since Shadoks released "Lazy Bones !!" ; but nowadays, these reissues scores really high prices. 
So, two possibilities : either the Now-Again box set will slow down the inflation on Shadoks issues, or it'll get even worse, considering that records by Shadoks are known for their quality. We'll see. 

Anyway, have a go, get introduced to African rock music by listening to WITCH. You can't be wrong. 

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